Wednesday, August 29, 2012

You Loved Me First

A great song called "You Loved Me First" by Mikeschair.

Fun fact...the group got it's name because the lead singer is named Mike, and he was sitting in his chair when he thought of the band/band's name. :)

Peek Into My Week (A bit late)

August 19-25

Sorry I'm a little late posting this, we were at the beach this week. We were cut short because of hurricane Isaac, but we still had a good time :)

The gorgeous view from our balcony

God's beautiful creation
Spending time with great friends

Spending time with great friends
The pool at our condo

Pictures on the beach with our family :)

Us kids and Papa

You have now officially peeked into my week ;)


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Good to be Alive

This is a song that Jason Gray released not too long ago. It has a great message and is pretty catchy too ;)

Also…I know I’ve been making the “peek into my week” posts, but I also wanted to share some of my pictures from summer that I didn’t have a chance to post on here :)
So, here is a big collage of my summer!



Peek Into My Week

August 12-18
First of all...August I the only one who that seems crazy to? Already August..almost September..where has the year gone?! It seems like school just finished and now it's already starting back!...anyways :) here's some pictures from my week!

AUGUST 13TH WAS LEFT HANDERS’ DAY! It made me feel so special xD
Went to a Big Daddy Weave concert with my friends! :)

Going running with Timothy! And Natalie wanted to get a picture :)

We went to go play baseball with our friends…but…it started storming…and considering that we were sitting on a metal bench, in a metal dugout, with huge metal poles around us..we decided to be smart little people and leave ;)

You have now officially peeked into my week ;)
