Saturday, July 28, 2012

Peek Into My Week

July 22-28

The Bledsoes came over for dinner :)

Mama, Daddy, Abbie, and I visited Berry College in Rome, Gerogia

Haley, Lauren, Abbie, and I had a campout...which we had been planning almost all summer! 

We were really roughing it ;)

I went to six flags with friends! It was tons of fun! :)

Shopping with a friend :)
Celebrating my cousin, Joe's, birthday at Tanners beach

You have now officially peeked into my week ;)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Me Without You

Toby Mac has always been one of my favorite singers...his music is just so...cheerful! and catchy! and fun to listen to!

He recently came out with a new song called "Me Without You". My 6 year old sister, Natalie, loves this song and I'm sure she knows all the lyrics, considering how often she listens to it and sings it ;)

Not only is it a great song, but also a great reminder of how we would be without God in our lives.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Peek Into My Week

July 15-21

    Timothy and I raided the cabinets looking for stuff to make a milkshake with ;) We ended up with ice cream, chocolate sauce, chocolate chips, milk, cookies, caramel, and coffee mix. It was surprisingly good! :D
Celebrating my friend, Caroline's, birthday!
A very funny game of charades at Caroline's party :)

Sister time at Arby's :)

You have now officially peeked into my week. ;)


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Joy vs. Happiness

What is joy? What is happiness? Is there a difference? Where do they come from?

According to…
Joy. Noun. A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
Happiness. Adjective. “A feeling of pleasure or contentment”, satisfaction, confidence.
What makes you happy? Being with your friends? Chocolate? Sleeping in? Going on vacation? Reading a good book? All of those things make me very happy! But they’re temporary.

What about joy? Does it come and go? The answer to that question is no. Joy comes from God, and joy never leaves. Unlike happiness, joy is not dependent on circumstances. It is something you have not something you simply feel.

Nehemiah 8:10 says “…do not grieve, for the Joy of the Lord is your strength.”

We can have joy in knowing that God has saved us. We can have joy in knowing that there is someone who loves us enough to die for us. We can have joy in knowing that His love will never change, that He will keep his promises, and that He will be there for us when no one else is.

Many times, in my life and in the lives of others, I’ve seen people want happiness. Besides, who doesn’t like feeling happy? But I think we need to be sure we know the difference between joy and happiness. People often place their happiness in circumstances, people, and things. Now, don’t get me wrong! I’m not saying any of that is bad in any way. But I am saying that our joy should not be dependent on our happiness. That’s something that I myself really need to work on. I want people to look at me and see joy, regardless of the circumstances I am facing. Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing with hope.” I want people to see that I am filled with Joy that comes only from God!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Song of the Week! - Beautiful You

A friend of mine suggested that I start making a weekly post about a song. Considering my love for music, I thought it was a brilliant idea ;) I love talking about my favorite songs and artists. So what better place to do that than on here?!

Not too long ago someone told me about a song they had heard on the radio that morning. The only things they remembered were that it was cheerful sounding, and had the word beautiful in it a lot. :) We racked our brains for a little while trying to figure out what the song was called. Beautiful One by Tim Hughes? No. Beautiful, beautiful by Francesca Battistelli? Nope. Beautiful You by Johnny Diaz? Nada.

 A few days later I remembered that conversation and decided to figure out what song it was. Turns out it was called "Beautiful You" and is by Trent Monk. And since that day I've probably listened to the song 50 times.Haha :)

Soo...I would highly recommend that you sit back, relax, and listen to this song! :)


Monday, July 16, 2012

Something new

Just wanted to pop in and let you know that my blog is under construction! As you've may have noticed, I've made several changes to the appearance of my blog. I'm still working on a few things, but will hopefully be finished soon. :)

Happy Monday!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Peek Into My Week

July 8-14 :)

Abbie and I took Timothy and Natalie swimming. :)

We went to tanners beach with our cousins!

After literally like 50 tries we finally got a cool pic of Andrew catching the frisbee...haha
Cow Appreciation Day at Chickfila! Dress like a cow = free food! :D

You have now officially peeked into my week ;)

Peek Into My Week

So my friend Haley had a fun idea of a way to share those great, random, cute, feel-the-need-to-share pictures you get throughout the week. It's called "Peek Into My Week" and is very perfectly described on Haley's can check it out here! Or just read below :)

You know all those "oh-so-great" pictures you take during the week? But they are also "oh-so-too-random" to post on your blog?

Yes, I've had several of those ;).

Well, I've decided to start "Peek Into My Week."

Every Saturday I will be trying making a post of pictures from my week to give you a little peek into my week.

So feel free to join in with me! I'd love to hop on over to your blog and take a peek into your week ;).